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Our Intentions

The foundation of StoryNFT is built upon a deep understanding: storytelling is a natural human instinct, our shared language, and the cultural bond that unites us. Throughout history, stories have shaped our worldviews and behavior patterns. At StoryNFT, our goal is to elevate these captivating tales beyond the minds of their creators, making them known to people in every corner of the globe. We are in search of stories that have the potential to be adapted into larger works, such as graphic novels, animations, or games—whether they are heartwarming love stories, thrilling fantasy adventures, or profound literary works, we look forward to them sparkling brilliantly on the StoryNFT platform.

To achieve this aim, we have adopted a unique approach: encouraging and showcasing story creation through the issuance of story cards. We disperse the essence of each story across a specific number of cards, which are released either in serialized or simultaneous fashion, allowing readers and collectors to gradually unlock and experience the whole narrative. This not only makes the presentation of stories more interactive and engaging but also endows the cards with a unique value as collectibles.

Following the issuance of these cards, we actively explore the possibility of adapting these card stories into other forms, such as animations and games. Such adaptations can bring additional royalty income to the creators and also provide card owners with tangible financial returns from their collections. In other words, card owners not only possess a valuable collectible but also have the opportunity to benefit from the subsequent adaptations and uses of these stories.

Through blockchain technology and smart contracts, we ensure that every purchase and adaptation use of a work brings fair royalty income to the creators while also protecting the interests of card owners. This mechanism not only encourages more creative output but also paves new pathways for the diversified development of stories.

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